Friday, March 31, 2006

Stop and Think

I'll pick up more on my Sunday in Scotland soon, which was absolutely charming, but I wanted to post quickly about something before going on the piss to celebrate the end of classes. Twice today I was struck by something where I actually had to stop and think as to the last time it happened.

First, I was complaining to the roommates that I had had it with the cancelling of classes without notice. I know this is my American sensibility clashing with Irish style, but I really don't see why an email can't be sent out saying - sorry, your Constitutional Law lecture is cancelled today. Three times this week I showed up to lectures that didn't happen. My roommate's response to why this seemed to be happening with increasing frequency? "Well, near the end of the term, soomtimes they get ahead of shed-ule and cancel class." I had to stop and think (unsuccessfully it turned out) of the last time a class at any level finished ahead of the syllabus.

Second, as I was walking home from class today, the sun was shining bright and there was a big blue sky above. Certainly, there were clouds, but above was a great expanse of blue. I had to stop and think - when was the last time I'd seen a big blue sky? I concluded that it had been in Ireland but I was at a loss as to when it was. Perhaps the first time I'd actually longed for home since being here.

Not even the lack of Fritos had inspired that.


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