Monday, March 06, 2006

RAG Week Wrap-Up

Hmm. I did wake up one morning to find my key in the sink. My theory is that I dropped it in the mud and then gave up on washing it off. Could be.

RAG week came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. One of the roommates got sick (more than hungover), one had to go home for a few days, and the other wasn't up for it. I had plans to go out one night with another friend and she cancelled. Oh well, probably for the best. As much as it was fun to watch, I can't say that I found RAG week to be a whole bunch of fun. I would sum it up like this: it was almost as crowded and drunk as Mardi Gras in New Orleans, but minus the warm weather and nudity.

I did stop in to the college bar once to see the doings, and that was quite crowded, with a live band and good craic. And on the way in I saw the first and last collection spots for "Raising a Grand." I donated a euro, thinking that I would be seeing these guys with their fluorescent vests and white buckets everywhere. Alas, I did not. And while you might think my total donation was weak, consider this: if all 11,000 students did what I did, they'd have eleven times their goal. So really, I gave more than ten times my share (aside: yes, I have kissed the Blarney Stone).


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